generate_linkers is designed to suggest primer linkers based upon the least frequently occuring base pairs (default 2) immediately upstream from the 5’ region of the primer.
A single _hits.txt file, multiple hits files, or a directory of hits.txt files can be passed as input (see the file for information about the hits.txt file format). The fasta files used to generate the _hits.txt files are also required input for this module.
The output file will contain the percentage occurance of each base at all positions in the linker and a suggested linker based on complementarity to the least frequently occurring bases.
Usage: [options]
Input Arguments:
A text file will be generated for each hits file containing details about the base frequency for each position of the linker and the suggested linker sequence.
Standard Example usage: [options] {-i hits_filepath [required] -f input_fasta_filepath [required]}
Change linker size to 3, manually pass 2 hits files to test, use overall mismatches for scoring: -i primer1f_hits.txt:primer2r_hits.txt -f seqs.fasta -l 3 -s overall_mismatches
Test all hits file in a target directory, put output in linkers directory: -i hits_dir/ -f seqs.fasta -o linkers/