Using hits files (generated with, this module will look at an individual primer or a specified primer pair to generate amplicons and reads. By default, the weighted score is used to determine if a particular primer will amplify, but other results (3’ mismatches, overall mismatches) can be used to determine if a primer will amplify. Every fasta file used to generate the hits file must be passed to this module (multiple fastas should be separated by a colon). If a single hits file is specified, the amplicon will be the entire sequence following the 3’ end of the primer.
Usage: [options]
Input Arguments:
An amplicon file (in fasta format) will be written for the forward and reverse primer pair, with a name based upon the name of the primers (taken from hits file name, e.g. 27f_338r_amplicons.fasta). The reads file will be generated in the same manner, with an “_reads” instead of “_amplicons”.
Standard Example usage (examine pair of primer hits files): [options] {-f fasta_filepath -i primer_hits_filepath1:primer_hits_filepath2 [required] }
Use total mismatches instead of weighted score to determine if a given primer will amplify: -f fasta_filepath -i primer_hits_filepath1:primer_hits_filepath2 -s total_mismatches